Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taking the Reins on Research

Brownie gives a thumbs-up to research in the bog!
EEC Grads have been conducting new and exciting field investigations over the past few months. As part of our Natural History and Ecology course, we chose a topic that we wanted to learn more about - and with the help of our teachers Karen and Greg (and many other people, in some cases!) we have designed field studies to [attempt to] answer questions relating to these varying subjects.

A rare peek at Mac's Pond from the north end
Some areas of study include coyote scat, most frequently seen mushrooms on campus, IW's bog (or is it a bog?), otter tracking, and Pacific chorus frogs, just to name a few. We have come across challenges, successes, and in most cases, several changes. 

Bog enthusiasts Christina and James help with field work
This particular blog entry features photos from two investigations. Laura Goff, Lauren Brown, and Amanda Zvirblis are studying the plants in IslandWood's "bog" to determine if indeed it is a true bog. (Word on the street says it may be a phen!!) Ali Parizer and Kathie Bradford are tracking river otters and collecting scat by Mac's Pond. 
Laura records data
Amanda shows off her makeshift waterproofing
Footsteps in a unique sphagnum ecosystem
Bonnie saves the day!
Team Bog, wet and happy!
Now for some otter investigations...

Kathie is all smiles....
...even in ankle deep muck!
"Presenting to you...otter poo!"
Ali scoops some otter scat into a bag!
Kathie takes photos of all the excitement!
What's for dinner?
Some grads have been getting so into their research that there are thoughts to extend Natural History projects into Independent Study Projects for Spring Quarter. It will be exciting to see these inquiries unfold!

1 comment:

Greg Schayes said...

NH&E forever! (or at least until mid march)